Nepal is a small landlocked country, nested between China & India. Though just 147181 s q km in land mass, it has one of the world's most diverse lands geographically and hence the climate, flora ,fauna and culture. It also holds major part of Himalayas, also referred as the Third pole and is the home for seven out of 10 highest peaks of the world .
Kathmandu valley: 
The valley referred by Nepalese is the combine city of Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur. This combined city houses 7 Worldheritage sites, like Changunarayan Temple, Pasupatinath Temple, Shyambhunath, Bouddha, Kathmandu,Bhaktapur and Patan Darbur Square.
History of Kathmandu dates back to age of Loard Buddha or may be more .The mystical city finds place in lot of hindu religious litreture ( purnas ) as well The city is full of materpieces of pagoda temples and stupas . It is also belived that pagoda style was orginated from Kathmandu by Newar people. Most of the perserved ancient aritectsare from 12th to 17th century durning the period of Malla( newar) dynasty .